Monday, May 24, 2010

There will SOON be 4 of us......

31 wks. along
Bout 2 mon. left
(I try to look good for Sunday's @ least =-).
Baby Faith or Jeremiah????????


Isaiah likes riddin Nathan poney.
Feelin the hair.....

This is Isaiah's new special lil' friend Levi (18 mon.)
He has some special needs as well.
His mama is who got me aquainted w/ the GAPS diet that I've had Isaiah on lately.
Our 2 lil' Gapster's!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Isaiah's baby birthday ducks!!!!!!

REAL LIVE bath toys =-)
They liked followin Punki round.

Waddin in the house......
The lil' black one would than jump out and run around crazy!
Isaiah would LAUGH when he'd hear their feet flop flop on the tile.

They would climb on him and he'd like it.
They "were" so CUTE when they were lil'.

Nuzzled right up on Punki.....
She watched them like they were HER babies.
She would nip @ them sometimes though.

Goosey and Loosey are gettin big after the 4 wks. since we've gotten them.
No more takin tubs w/ Isaiah and I.
They have their OWN swimmin pool outside now.
They come in the house in their kennel @ night followin Seth call them.
They know the routine.

Now what are we gonna do w/ them????
Oh brother!
Wish we lived on a lil' acreage.