The birth Story:
Due date was "July 27th". Went into labor July 19th @ 3:30pm. I was nappin @ Pa and Ma's and woke up a couple times w/ a couple lil' sharp pains. Didn't want to go in yet, cause wasn't sure it was anything or "real". Waited bout 1/2 hr from first lil' sharp pains. Soon enough I started to get
them every 7 like min. They came on FAST! Of course ma said,
"Let's get her in right away".
So Seth, Pa, Lizzy, Rachel, Isaiah, and I headed into the Billings Birthing Center. On the way there I was cravin =-) a MC Donald's smoothie. Had to stop and get one of those. My contractions stayed @ every 3-5 min. apart for 9 hrs. STRAIGHT. Wowee! No resting! I had SEVERE lower back pain. THAT was the worst of it ALL. Got to the Birthing Center and mid wife said I was NOT dilated at all, but by the looks of my contractions, that it was "REAL LABOR" so she wanted me to stay and keep watchin me. Bout 1 1/2 hrs. later I was dilated to 2 cm. Another 1 1/2 hrs. later I was to 3 1/2 cm. Everyone else went to bed
bout 10:30pm as I stayed awake gettin through EVERY contraction as they got STRONGER and STRONGER. All I could do was massage my back to get me through each contraction w/ the low back pain. @ 1:30am my water finally broke. I woke Seth up beside me to go wake everyone else up. Than the party began =-). Now I was dilated to 9 cm and wantin to PUSH, but the mid wife said not to till I was 10 cm. Within minutes I was dilated to a 10 and PUSHIN. We had a baby boy in bout 6 pushes. Lasted bout 23 min.
Jeremiah Bob Ray Blackburn
was born July 20th and weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz and was 20 1/2 in. long.
NO hair! His apgar scores BOTH rated 10's. He was very healthy and strong and ALL went well. Praise the Lord! He was a champ @ nursing.
We got to take him home @ 7pm "That Day" I had him.
That was nice! Thank-you JESUS for a healthy baby. Now we pray he will be a good entertainer for Isaiah and teach him a lot of GOOD =-) things.
I know I wanted a girl,
but I prayed JESUS would give us what HE knew Isaiah need for his 1st lil' sibling. We ARE blessed! Jeremiah is ANOTHER added blessing that has proved Drs. wrong. They had assumed ALL our boys would have the challenges Isaiah does. They figured it was a genetic thing. We left THAT idea in the Lord's hands, and HE took controle again.
So here I am.
Holdin my head through another contraction.
Talkin to Mom while she's @ home just prayin. What she does best. LOL!
The mid wives gettin things ready.
Ta dah!
Fom the first pic to this it makes it look like it all happened so quick n' easy.
Aunty Rachel cut the embelical cord cause Seth was too emotional to do it.
Aunty Rachel cut the embelical cord cause Seth was too emotional to do it.
A proud Papa of 2 now.
Pa's GRANDson named AFTER HIM.
Aunty Rachel enjoyed bein a part of the Labor n' delivery.
Aunty Rachel puttin Babies 1st outfit on him.
He knew right
were his fingers were.
Isaiah not quite sure what's all goin on yet.
He "was" sleepin in the room next door till baby arrived =-).
Out for the rest of the EARLY mornin.
Cousin Abby and Cousin Curtie were happy to be there to spend time w/ their NEW baby cousin.
Gandma came when everything thing was said, done, and safe =-).
This is the time Aunty Bekah had been waitin for.
Waistin time @ the birthin Center.
MY boys!
Ready to go home
Nice to be home.
Still lookin FULL =-)
Punki knew we had brought somethin NEW home. Checkin baby out.
It was cute!